Tag Archives: Special Anointing Service

Special Invitation for February 16, 2014!!! You Can’t Afford to Miss This

special anointing service

Waoh! Sunday, February 16 2014 is a day I look forward to! It’s a special Anointing Service at the Faith Tabernacle, Canaan Land, Ota. Now, you ask, ‘What’s the excitement all about?’ I am excited because strange manifestation of the power of God erupts when the anointing is released [Isaiah 10:27 KJV].

Come and encounter the Spirit of faith that sees the invisible and delivers the impossible. Great testimonies abound from the ministration of the anointing. Here are some…

  • 45 Years Wound Healed!

“Forty-five years ago, when I was in the primary school, I had a wound on my leg while I was playing football. Since then, I had been to several hospitals and places looking for the solution to this wound, but there was none. Today, I pulled off my shoe and placed my leg on the floor of the sanctuary. As the bishop was praying, he said that the anointing would work for everybody and it would wipe away every sickness in our bodies. I believed it!

By the time I robbed the anointing oil on my leg and I checked it, I noticed that the wound has gone!” Luke, K

  • 30 Years Stagnation Broken

“Eleven years ago, before I joined this church, my family had suffered from stagnation for over 30 years. There was no single graduate in my family. When I joined this church, I keyed into all prophetic words from God’s servant. At an Anointing Service, the Bishop declared that after we were anointed, stagnation in families would be broken. After I was anointed, things began to change in my family. Today, to the glory of God, I am a graduate! Furthermore, now, I am gainfully employed! Glory be to God! Success, B.A

  •  Diverse Business Breakthroughs!

“I had been believing God for a business breakthrough, but nothing was happening for me.

I came for an Anointing Service last month, where we were anointed for business breakthroughs. After that service, I experienced sudden favour on a contract that I have been handling. I got a contract of over N50 million last week! I have enjoyed various breakthroughs in different areas. Anytime I step into a company, what seems not to move begins to move and I’m celebrated. I give God all the glory in Jesus’ name!” Solomom, O.



SERVICE SCHEDULE: 6AM, 7;45AM, 9;10AM & 10:45AM (You are free to attend any of these 4 services)



There shall be free transportation to and fro Canaan Land! You cannot afford to miss this! I shall be personally waiting to see you there! Should you need more information, please call me at 2348084492118.

Now, don’t keep this good news all to yourself. Use the buttons below to share with your friends and families. *wink!